Selling Insurance Online

With the help of SEO and other online marketing tactics—allowed Chris Abrams to grow his business from one state to 31.

When Chris Abrams started his company, Abrams Insurance Solutions, his website functioned a lot like a business card.

It provided information about who he was and what he did. He ran his agency in a traditional manner, selling life insurance to friends and relying on referrals to grow his client base. He spent a lot of time scheduling and driving to appointments.

When he found an interested client, they would have to wait six to eight weeks to see if they were approved. 

My commission payment would come after the policy was approved and delivered,” he recalled. “This was often 10 weeks or more after my first meeting with the client. It was not a very efficient business model.”

But when Abrams started to notice that people are more comfortable with online purchases, “a lightbulb went off,” he said. 

He began to research the possibility of selling insurance online and more fully incorporating his website into his business.

“I realized I was doing more shopping online, and I saw some of the leaders in my industry doing it,” he said. “I decided to follow those who were on the cutting edge of our business.”

He familiarized himself with search engine optimization, and added a life insurance quote function to his website. 

“When people came to my website, they could trade their email and phone number for an instant life insurance quote. I could then follow up—politely—and see if they needed additional information. This would often result in a sale.”

Today, Abrams drives traffic to his site by offering content focused on how various health issues impact a person’s ability to secure a life insurance policy. 

Recognizing that people often pose such questions in their Google searches, he writes articles offering answers. “For instance, people Google ‘how does lymphoma affect life insurance’ and my website comes up,” he said. “They get the information they need and contact me to learn more or start the application process.”

Producing the right content has allowed his website to gain traction. It’s a matter of addressing the questions and concerns people may have about the product, he said. “If you write an article centered around those keywords, your article will come up. The more questions you answer on your website they more traffic you’re going to have.”

Now, his website provides a consistent flow of leads and clients. When he connects with life insurance buyers in different states, he gets a nonresident license in that state, so he can take their application. Currently, he has clients in 31 states. He hopes to be in all 50 states in the next few years.

“I rarely see a client in person. My computer is my office and phone. While I now spend much more time blogging, I spend much less time driving to appointments and doing paperwork,” he said. “Using the internet to completely transform an old-fashioned business model has enabled me to be more efficient, help more clients and grow my business.”

Chea, Channing. “Digital Marketing Helped Insurance Agent Revolutionize His Business.” Manta, Manta, 5 Apr. 2017,